Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Last few questions - taxis, directions, rain!

Hello all,

We leave on Friday morning for NYC and we%26#39;re ALMOST ready. I have three last minute questions:

1. How easy will it be to hail a cab on a Thursday (around lunch time) to take us to the airport (JFK)? We%26#39;re staying on W 15th St (@7th Ave). Or are we better off reserving a car?

2. I have no sense of direction and always get turned around when I come out of the subway stations. Do the street numbers always go in the same direction (i.e. numbers on streets get higher as you go east or vice versa)?

3. Does anyone have any tips for getting around NYC in the rain? We plan on primarily using the subway and walking (and the forecast for next week has some rain in it). Will we have any trouble?

That%26#39;s all for now. Thanks so much everyone for your advice. This forum has been invaluable.


Last few questions - taxis, directions, rain!

1. It should not be difficult. If you are at a hotel just ask the doorman. Otherwise, go to 7th Avenue and put your arm up in the air when you see a taxi with the top light lit. Taxi to JFK is $45 fixed fare, plus toll and tip. You can also reserve a car in advance which will cost about the same. I use Carmel. 1-800-9-CARMEL or

2. When you are going north/south on an avenue, the building numbers always get higher as you go north--uptown. The streets are a bit more complicated. Fifth Avenue is the dividing line between east and west. As you go east of Fifth Avenue (avenue are going down--4th, 3rd, etc. the numbers will go up. When you go west of Fifth Avenue towards 6, 7 Avenue, etc. the numbers will also go up.

3. Rain will not effect the subway and with your Metro Card you can also take the bus.

Last few questions - taxis, directions, rain!

I%26#39;d recommend booking a car in advance for the airport drive. I use Kitt Garret NYC but other have had great success with Carmel. Prices are about the same as a cab and you can rely on service when you need it.

I%26#39;m clueless on the street numbers as well, especially when I get below Houston . I always travel with my adult son and he keeps me from wandering aimlessly. Maybe someone else on this board can be of help to you?

I walk mostly in Manhattan. Sometimes the subway, bus or cab. When it rains unexpectably while I%26#39;m out I hustle into a Duane Reade%26#39;s for a cheap umbrella. Otherwise hotels usually offer umbrellas and it does behoove the guest to bring it back in order to provide shelter to another guest.

Have a wonderful visit!

this is a little excerpt that I cut and pasted to my ';NYC trip ongoing idea document.';....

';Subway directions

The compass is the best idea.

I try to keep track of which direction I%26#39;m headed underground...i.e. if I%26#39;m getting off a southbound train, I of course know which direction is south, so if I head towards the exit in the opposite direction, I%26#39;m obviously heading north...take a left out of the turnstiles, I%26#39;m heading west, turn right to go up the stairs, north again.

If you can keep track, you%26#39;ll know exactly which way you%26#39;re headed when you emerge from underground.';

seemed to make sense....hope it helps...I am getting a compass!!

(Jennifer, too!)

Here are good tips sfor keeping your directional equilibrium in Manhattan...

Taught to me many years ago by a taxidriver:

1. Fifth Avenue is the dividing line between EAST and WEST sides of the city.

2. Fifth Ave. traffic runs SOUTH... meaning traffic is heading Downtown on Fifth Ave.


- Traffic on all EVEN # AVENUES runs UPTOWN / NORTH

Applies to 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th Aves.

- Traffic on all ODD # AVENUES runs DOWNTOWN / SOUTH

---- Applies to 7th Ave, 9th Ave, 11th Ave... AND Broadway. And 5th Ave, but again, 5th is %26#39;in the middle%26#39; below 59th St, but considered East above 59th.

4. EAST SIDE - it just - REVERSES...

- Traffic on all ODD # AVENUES runs UPTOWN / NORTH

---- Applies to 3rd Ave, 1st Ave, and Madison Avenue.

---- Traffic on all EVEN # AVENUES runs DOWNTOWN / SOUTH

Applies to 2nd Ave AND Lexington Ave.

5. Park Avenue runs NORTH and SOUTH.

IMPORTANT: This info applies to the basic %26#39;GRID%26#39; of Manhattan streets, there are exceptions, however this should work just fine for you in regard to subway locations, as most are within the grid.

Also, there is not really a %26#39;grid%26#39; in many areas below 14th Street, as this was the original part of Manhattan, but there ARE still Avenues, so look for an Avenue, and you%26#39;ll be able to figure it out.

Someone else pointed out the numbering system for the bldgs... which is a great tip.... 5th Ave is %26#39;point zero%26#39; for both the E and W sides.. if you are at 5th Ave %26amp; 40th St, 1 W 40th St will be the first bldg W of 5th Ave, and 1 E 40th St will be the first bldg E of 5th Ave, and just keeps getting higher from there. And not to give you too much infor at once, but the odd # bldgs are always on the uptown (North) side of a street, even # bldgs are on the downtown (Sourth) side of the street.... and yes the bldg #%26#39;s on Ave%26#39;s a bit trickier.

And last - don%26#39;t be afraid to ask for directions... most people are happy to help...

As far as rain... subways, buses, taxis, umbrellas ; ) It%26#39;s worth noting that the most difficult time of day to hail a cab are rush hour in the morning, and between 3:30 %26amp; 4:30 in the afternoon (cab drivers shifts turn over then)..

Hope you have lots of fun!

  • dark scarlet brown color
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