Thursday, April 26, 2012


Im feeling quite blue, reading about everyones upcoming trip, and really am missing the fact that I dont have immediate plans to return. Its hard to explain really, but I think I leave a little bit of myself in NY every time. As far as Im concerned, I take it as a moral and personal duty to return regularly and reclaim it.

But I am officially addicted to the NY forum, and have to read every day, and am begining a new list of things I will want to do on my next trip.

So to all who have trips planned, have a great time. To those who live there, do the same, and do it every day.


Hello Dublin,

I will be there next week for four days, first time visit. Thanks for your good wishes. Really looking forward to it!



Hey dublinminx ..... I hear ya about singing the blues. I%26#39;m often also crying into the sleeve of my designer suit and whimpering about foregone real estate deals that have sadly gone south on me over the years. But here%26#39;s a few things I like to do when I%26#39;m feeling blue;

Play some lite muzak on the forum ..... like ..... The Sun%26#39;ll Come Out Tomorrow ..... from the play ..... Little Orphan Annie.

Dream about what Paris Hilton is doing right at this very moment.

Make up new Annual NYC Forum Pop Quizes.

Postulate about where LTT is going to have his gourmet diner tonight.

Gaze for hours at my poster of Bettina and fantasize about our next meet -up.

Make prank phone calls to NYWhiz%26#39;s house ..... and then hang up when she answers.

Think up jokes about Chipper and my new best-est friend Skipper a.k.a. Nic.

Reminisce about old threads and the way things used to be on the NYC Forum back in the day.

Draw in the missing tooth on Matte%26#39;s son%26#39;s avatar photo.

Count all the cash the TA is paying me to make these stupid comments ..... whoops ..... the TA made me swear I would never divulge that to you other posters ..... so ..... if it%26#39;s not to late ..... forget that last one.

You know ..... good stuff like that.

You%26#39;re a gas one Lotus. And you wouldn%26#39;t be singin the blues for long reading that.

I only have good blues for NY, just the wistful ones that make ya want to return.......

Wow, you do look a bit blue with those sagging ears and puppy dog eyes. I%26#39;d suggest a good run in a park or playing fetch with a stick.



Don%26#39;t be blue, you will always be apart of New York along with the other fellow addicted members.

Ok ! How about this! The next meet and greet you will have to make it your bussiness to meet with us.

Tm, I%26#39;d absolutely love to. I only missed the last one by 3 days. So I hope I%26#39;ve got better timing next trip.

Thankfully, I took him with the floppy ears to the park (wish we had ones like in NY. No, sorry, I forgot I was reformed) and feel much better.

Ramblin Dan, take a look at me. I have always had a thing for the Irish. Do you think there%26#39;s a chance?

Chipper the Dog

cute !

It%26#39;s nowhere near as good as the real thing, but you could always retrace your steps and do a virtual walk around NYC with the street view feature on!

(Should I be embarrassed to admit that I%26#39;ve actually done this?!)

dublinminx - you are suffering a mild case of Post-NYC Depression Syndrome.

Put on a copy of Billy Joel%26#39;s live version of New York State of Mind, practice deep breathing, and have a glass of wine. Repeat as necessary.

Immediately start planning your return visit.

Call me if symptoms persist.


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