Our family are off to east hampton soon. I%26#39;m looking for somewhere special to take them for dinner as my parents will be spending their 30th wedding anniverary there. Can anyone recommend a restaurant with good food and wine and friendly service that will suit such a special occasion?
restaurant in east hampton
Nick and Toni%26#39;s. You can%26#39;t go wrong. Fabulous food (continental leaning towards high end Italian), wine and service but not at all stuffy. Make reservation. Sometimes hard to get into on weekends even in winter. Enjoy.
restaurant in east hampton
Nick %26amp; Tony%26#39;s is nice... but i actually find it sometimes stuffy.
First question... what is your price range?
I%26#39;d recommend... Delafemina%26#39;s, The Palm, Saracen...
If you%26#39;re willing to go further east to Montauk, there%26#39;s Harvest by the Pond and Dave%26#39;s Grill. Both are excellent. Harvest probably more special for the occasion.
Saracen, The 1770 House Restaurant, or Laundry. All are very good.
Where are you staying? What kind of food do you want? Do you want some place a bit upscale or more casual?
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