Monday, April 23, 2012

Is Harlem worth checking out ?

Is Harlem worth checking out ? What%26#39;s down there of note ?

I%26#39;d imagine there would be some cool clubs down there ?

Is Harlem worth checking out ?

You will get VERY mixed opinions about this. One thing that all will agree on, however, is that Harlem is not considered ';down there';, but is instead ';up there';. In Manhattan, the word ';down'; means south, and ';up'; means north -- so unless one is in the Bronx, one cannot go ';down'; to Harlem.

Is Harlem worth checking out ?

Harlem remains one of NYC%26#39;s treasures - most frequently visited bu Europeans and Australians, so good for you for asking.

Here is a web site that lists some of Harlem%26#39;s historic sites.

The Morris-Jumel Mansion is definitely worth visiting -it%26#39;s the oldest surviving house in Manhattan and a Colonial gem. Also St John the Divine in Morning side Heights, Abyssinian Baptist Church, Striver%26#39;s Row, Hamilton Heights, Sugar Hill, etc.

There are several walking tours available also...

Or, you could request a Big Apple Greeter for a tour of Harlem...

YES! Harlem is worth checking out and there is alot to see in the surrounding areas...I took a tour, Harlem heritage tours, highly reccomended, the owner himself walked us all over Harlem pointing out sites along the way...Harlem is very beautiful and rich in history if that interests you. We even got a chance to go inside the Appollo, which was closed at the time, but our tour guide had connections....If you have the time check it out, but I would reccomend a guided tour, as then you know where you are going and what you are looking at...

Cheers people

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