Friday, April 27, 2012

NYC over July 4th week

I know this is a little early, but me and my boyfriend are coming to New York on 30th June for a week so will be there during the July 4th week. This will be our 4th time to New York.

Just wondering what is is like? I have heard that everywhere closes? (is this just a rumour?)

Is the parade good to go watch? where should we go to see it? The firworks display, where should we go see that from?

Is there anything else that happens on this day?

NYC over July 4th week

Have a look at these threads:鈥?/a> Any_suggestions_for_4th_of_July_in_Manhattan-鈥?/a> 4th_July-鈥?/a> July_4th_Where_to_watch_fireworks-


NYC over July 4th week

Not to be a wiseguy (sort of), but isnt this holiday not exactly a British favorite? Just curious how you look at it (history books, etc.)

We were there over July 4th. July 4th is day 7.

And I can%26#39;t speak for the whole of the UK but I think most of us are over it ;o)

Everything doesn%26#39;t close but some places close only on the 4th. There%26#39;s no parade in Manhattan but the fireworks are spectacular (9 pm). There are several different displays, the biggest is on the east river near 34th st. There%26#39;s another display near/around the Statue of Liberty. If you want to splash out, consider doing one of the many boat cruises that will give you views of both displays.

Here%26#39;s some info

If you do a text search on July 4 y9ou should find MANY previous posts. Everyone has a different favorite place on where to stand/watch if you don%26#39;t do the boat ride. Some go to Roosevelt Island.


just trying to start a little trouble on a thursday harm meant!

I believe there is an Independence Day parade in Chinatown, complete with floats and lion %26amp; dragon dances. It may be on the 3rd though instead of the 4th.

Just had the worst July 4th ever aboard the Sheryll Princess, they charge $100 for a 10 hour nightmare. We could not see the fire works the DJ was horrible, he blasted crappy music at 120 decibels all night long. Everyone was throwing up and ill. The boat was bouncing and rocking making people very sick. It was without a doubt a big rip off. The boat was positioned so poorly that you could not see a thing. What a shame...we so looked forward to this and it was just a nausating experience....avoid the Sheryll Princess.

I%26#39;ve never heard of that boat. What ever made you choose it in the first place? I%26#39;ve never seen it mentioned on this or other forums. And, I%26#39;m curious -- why is your only post about your holiday so negative?

  • oily skin
  • movie theatre near Westin Times Square?

    Hello again.

    Quick question for all you experts!

    Is there a movie theatre close to the Westin Times Square?

    We will be staying there from Aug 3-6th and are looking for evening activities with the kids. They love going to the movie theatre.

    If so, does anyone know the cost of a movie ticket?

    We pay $8:50P/P here, and just wanted a comparism in ticket prices.

    thanks to all who respond.


    movie theatre near Westin Times Square?

    There are two multi screen theaters a two minute walk from the hotel. One is the AMC Empire 25 (25 screens) $10 adults. $6.50 children. I can%26#39;t recall the name of the other but it is across the street from the AMC theater. I don%26#39;t know the price of a ticket but I imagine it is the same as the AMC theater.

    movie theatre near Westin Times Square?


    There is actually a movie theatre attached to the Westin Times Square - if you go to the lobby (which is on the 2nd floor) there is a connecting corridor which takes you to the movie theatre and a mexican restaurant called Chevys - so you don%26#39;t even have to go outside!

    Not sure on price but if you go to the Westin website there may be more information.

    NYC Boat Trips

    Just had the worst July 4th ever aboard the Sheryll Princess, they charge $100 for a 10 hour nightmare. We could not see the fire works the DJ was horrible, he blasted crappy music at 120 decibels all night long. Everyone was throwing up and ill. The boat was bouncing and rocking making people very sick. It was without a doubt a big rip off. The boat was positioned so poorly that you could not see a thing. What a shame...we so looked forward to this and it was just a nausating experience....avoid the Sheryll Princess.

    NYC Boat Trips

    Sorry you had a bad experience!

    Thanks for the warning!

    Music store

    Hi. My future husband is a saxophone player and we are going to spend our honeymoon in NY in October. We want to buy a new saxophone while we are there. Do you know good stores where we can find one? Thanks a lot.

    Music store

    West 48th St. between 6th-7th Aves. is where all the professional music stores are. Sam Ash is probably the biggest, with separate shops across the street from each other.

    Music store

    One of the most famous and oldest instrument stores in NYC is Manny%26#39;s Music.

    156 W 48th St

    New York, NY 10036

    (212) 819-0576

    Not sure they carry reeds and horns, though. If they don%26#39;t I%26#39;m sure they can refer you to the best.

    thanks a lot!

  • reptiles
  • Taking Metro to JFK


    I will be in New York with my family next week for the first time. We are staying in a Hotel on 47th street between 5th and 6th avenue.

    Is that a safe area to walk on the streets at night?

    Can I take a metro to go to JFK airport? How convininet and safe will it be with family?



    Taking Metro to JFK

    Yes it%26#39;s certainly safe on that street. You can%26#39;t take a ';metro'; b/c we don%26#39;t have one. We have a subway. ;) It%26#39;s safe but maybe not convenient for getting to the airport if you have lots of luggage and/or are leaving during rush hour since it will be crowded.

    I suggest you go to the website and get directions.

    Taking Metro to JFK

    Unlike the streets of yourown city, the streets in New York are safe to walk at night, particularly in the area you mentioned.

    There is no metro in New York City. Instead, we have a ';subway.'; The subway does not go all the way to JFK; instead, you need to change either at Jamaica or at Howard Beach for the Port Authority%26#39;s ';Air Train';. The trip is not too terrible (although very crowded at rush hour) but since all taxi journeys between Manhattan and JFK have the fixed fare of $45 plus tolls, if any (and plus tip), the difference between the public transportation fare and the taxi fare diminishes when you have more people. With a family, I would just take a cab.

    OK, Subway.

    Sorry for getting that wrong and thanks for correcting it.

    Thanks a ton for the help. I will probably take a taxi. By the way, my flight is at 8:00 p.m. When do you think I should start from Manhattan if I take a taxi? What are the the rush hour timings for the subway?


    If your flight is at 8, you%26#39;d likely need to be there at 6 (but you should ask your AIRLINE what time they require you to arrive). Since it takes about an hour to JFK, that would put you leaving at 5, the HEIGHT of rush hour. I%26#39;d order a car service and have them tell you what time to leave to arrive when you need to be there.

    are the 2 most popular car services. Carmel has a discount coupon on the website where it says save $$$

    If your flight is at 8 and you aim to get there by 6, I would leave by 4:30. I have frequently left to go to JFK around this time, and traffic is just terrible. Leave a little earlier to take the stress out of your travel.

    Haridas, Please be assured that NYC is a very safe place to walk around at night. I%26#39;ve never felt unsafe there like I do in my own city!

    Also, the subway is very safe and, for a family, it would be a very convenient and much cheaper way to travel. I recommend it. I do agree with the other posts, however, that a car service or taxi is recommended for your trip to the airport. Hauling a bunch of luggage up and down subway station steps is not fun.

    Safe and happy travels to you!

    Thanks a lot to everybody for all the help.

    My next question,

    I shall be driving to New York from Washington. I have to drop the car off at the Alamo rental at 40W street, Manhattan. I have downloaded a route map from google. Do I need to be cautious about anything? Any special indtruction for a driver who is entering NYC for the first time?

    Thanks for suggestions.


    There is no such place as ';40W Street';.

    Do you mean that you are going to something that is somewhere on West 40th Street, and you have not given us the address? Or do you mean that you are going to a building whose address is #40 one West ___ Street, and you ahve not given us the number of the street?

    I meant West 4oth Street.

    Sorry for the confusion.


    About driving into NYC:

    #1. THERE IS NO RIGHT-TURN-ON-RED in NYC. It is ILLEGAL in the five boroughs of NYC. PLEASE do not make right turns at red lights. I%26#39;ve seen and known people to get tickets, especially as they come in from NJ or have out-of-state plates.

    #2. Have cash for tolls for the bridges and tunnels. I%26#39;m guesing you%26#39;ll come in via the Holland Tunnel. I think it%26#39;s $4.50?

    #3. Our 2 local news-traffic-weather radio stations are:

    AM1010 WINS (every 10 minutes on 1, 11, 21, etc.)

    AM880 WCBS (on 8, 18, 28, etc)

    You can get these signals way far outside NYC.

    #4 We refer to our highways as ';highways';, ';parkways'; or ';expressways';, not ';freeways';. Also we typically use the names of highways (Brooklyn-Queens Expressway), not route numbers (278).

    Dont%26#39; worry, you%26#39;ll do fine!

    Does this happen in new york too?

    I have just been on the phone to my bank to request a simple answer to a very simple question.

    I have listened to 3 automatic messages , spoken to 5 different people, been put on hold and then cut off TWICE, had a message relayed to me from a department that no longer exists, and am currently waiting to be put through to the customer satisfaction department where I am told someone called Frank will take my call. All the while I have been browsing this site and wishing I was there and not here.

    Does anyone else suspect that Frank doesn%26#39;t exist and that the customer service department is just an empty room with a solitary telephone which no-one answers

    Not a travel question I know but ...... what the heck

    Does this happen in new york too?

    I think Franks having a nap

    Does this happen in new york too?

    lol Gillian - dont know about NY but it happens here in the UK!

    This is a growing problem. We also have the issue of outsourced customer service to India so very often you%26#39;re speaking to someone who%26#39;s accent is difficult to understand on the phone.

    I was given a website that helps you get a human for the US. They say they also have the UK and Canada. If you want them to start one for Australia, get them 25 numbers. Here%26#39;s the link

    Thanks nywhiz

    I%26#39;m still waiting for Frank.

    ....and when I do get to speak to him I%26#39;m going to request a signed group photograph of the customer satisfaction department employees.....

    They%26#39;re closing in 3 minutes Annie has asked me to call back on Monday between 8am and 9pm

    Ahhhh... Brisbane Australia...perfect one day,beautiful the next. Unless of course you need to speak to someone at the bank.

    I rang a number the other day and was told to press '; 1';, ';2'; etc etc and if not then a HUMAN VOICE would speak to me!!! Who else should I be expecting other than a ';human voice';!!! I think someone has been watching too much of Babe, Shrek etc. etc.

    ';You have reached the NYC Forum at Trip hotline ..... to hear this message in English press 1 ..... to hear this message in Spanish press 2 ..... to hear this message in Austrailian press 3. If you calling about a problem getting coherent responses on the NYC Forum ..... please press 1. If you are calling about a incident on the NYC Forum involving Chipper or Skipper ..... please press 2. If you are calling about fake hotel reviews on the NYC Forum ..... please press 3. If you are calling to complain about Lotupath ..... well ..... join the club. Otherwise, please leave a message including your name, the time of your call and phone number where you can be reached ...... and we%26#39;ll get back to you at our earliest convenience.'; BEEP.

    I%26#39;m pretty certain that ';Frank'; is a mutant automaton that works at every bank, insurance company, computer helpline, and cable TV company in the world - ';Frank'; can be in Mumbai, or Memphis, or Montpelier, or Marseilles or Melbourne or Maidstone - ';Frank'; is hired to stall us, irritate and exasperate us, and to make us eventually give up. Our job is to fight the machine and take back control of our lives!

    Let%26#39;s march! Are ye with me?


    may I ask which bank did u call?

    cost of a carriage ride??

    how much do they go for in central park... and how long are they??

    cost of a carriage ride??

    Here is the information:

    Riding inside one of the many colorful horse-drawn carriages that que up every day just across from the Plaza Hotel on Central Park South and 5th Ave. Popular all year round - either enjoying a soft summer breeze or all bundled up beneath the snug seat blankets to keep out the winter chill - the carriages provide a peak back to gaslight New York and it%26#39;s easy to imagine Diamond Jim Brady sharing an after dinner ride with Lily Langtree.

    Each carriage is brightly colored and usually feature fresh flowers along with a charming and knowledgeble driver providing an insightful commentary along the way.

    Carriages can be found all year round lined up along Central Park South between 5th and 6th Avenues.

    Estimated Cost (not including tip):

    $34 for the first 1/2 hour and

    $10 for each additional 1/4 hour.

    Call Central Park Carriages at 212-736-0680 for more information

    information you need from central parks website.

    cost of a carriage ride??

    Thanks for your help!! :D

    Do you know if there are any deals w. the rides?? If so... where?? Also how many ppl can fit in the carriage??

    Thanks again...

    By law, the capacity of each carriage is limited to 4 adults. Children under the age of 12 count as half of an adult.

    I am not sure about discounts fro the carriage ride.

    You%26#39;re not going to find any discounts for the carriage rides, as they are often independant operators, not part of a larger organization.

    The rides are all well and fine, but I do think you see more of the Park on foot, or even on one of the pedicabs, which are multiplying like bunnies, for better or worse.

    I know a carriage ride sounds romantic, etc., however, before you get in one, please take a good look at the horse. Many look very sad, not well fed and not well taken care of. Please use your best judgment.

    what 2lovestotravel said...

    I agree....I felt very sorry for the horses....and that was back in June before it got really hot.

  • oily skin
  • Renting a car at Newark Airport

    We are Aussies needing to rent a minivan (6-7 seater %26#39;cos 5 persons plus luggage) at Newark Airport (EWR). Can someone kindly recommend a reliable, honest and affordable car rental outfit please?

    We have heard horror stories of rip offs like being forced to buy a full tank of petrol at way above petrol pump price plus no credit for any returned petrol on return. We are used to simply being provided with a full tank and returning with the same as shown on the gauge.

    Also worse, being charged for ';damage repairs'; on your credit card later although the returned car was checked and cleared as undamaged by the renters on return of the vehicle.

    What is the protocol there? Need some advice desperately.

    Renting a car at Newark Airport

    I used enterprise this past weekend, as they were the cheapest. The staff was efficient and very helpful with directions as we were driving to Princeton. They are pretty far off-site, but there is a shuttle that picks you up at the airport. You need to reserve ahead of time. Go to Newark airport site and connect to the rental cars. We booked thru airportrentalcar, they were cheaper than booking direct with enterprise. I%26#39;ve heard of the horror stories too, just make sure you check out the car with them before you leave for any damage. While in Calif. I even took pictures of all sides of the car as proof, just in case, but did not in Newark. Have a great time!

    Renting a car at Newark Airport

    All the major rental car companies here are as reputible as they are in Australia. Hertz, Avis, Nationla, Enterprise, and Budjet are some of the ';big'; ones. I live in NYC so I don%26#39;t own a car, but I do rent one at least 10 times a year.

    Here you can ';buy'; the petrol (we call it GAS) in the car when you rent it or bring it back as full as it was when you got the car. I have never had a problem with this, and at least one comoany will give a credit if you get the car 1/2 full and return it full (I think it was Avis, but not sure). If you have a gold Amex card, and some other credit cards as well - check with yours - they will cover the Damage insurance, as may your own car insurance at home. Again you should check in advance since your insurance and cards will be from Australia and may have different rules. I have never been charged for any charge that was not valid, and only charged for damage once - the damage was real and the charge was reasonable and AMEX reimbursed me. Some companies are now chaging for excess cleaning, but you really have to bring the car back a mess, not just normal dirt and stuff.

    If you are really concerned, just take a photo or two when you bring the car back of the car and the gas gague showing the milage, that should be good enough ecvidence if there is a problem.


    They will give you the option of (1) bringing the car back FULL, or (2)having them fill it when you bring it back.

    ALWAYS take option 1, as you can get gas much cheaper at a gas station anywhere than the price they will charge you. I guess that would seem like a scam if you came back and they charged you a ridiculous price to fill the car......but you are given the option up front!

    I used to live in the States, still have a Texas Driver%26#39;s license, and rented cars many many times in the US. I have never had a reputable rental car company (Hertz, Budget, Avis, Enterprise, Dollar, Alamo, etc) try to charge me for damages that were previously on the car so you can rest easy. To protect yourself, do remember to walk around the car and note anything you see out of the ordinary.

    Regarding gas (petrol), I agree you should elect to fill up the tank yourself on the way back to the airport to drop off your car. The rental company%26#39;s gas is not only more expensive, but they also make you buy a whole tank even if you are returning it 1/2 full so it doesn%26#39;t work out in numbers.

    I would agree with all said before. I have rented a few times from Newark from Hertz and others and they are all the same.

    The rental location has its own station on the airport railway and all the rental companies are easy walking from the train stop.

    I have never however been charged when returning a tank half full - I have been charged for half a tank but I do recommend you take the car full and return it full but make sure they have noted that on your agreement. They work so fast that it is easy for them to hit the wrong key on the computer and you only find out when you are shown the small print of your contract on the way back. Also I agree - do check the car in and out for damage and have them note it.

    You will be sent to the car on your own so go and get someone to note your findings and give you as copy of the report to take with you as proof when you return.

    Also in the US they have an additional top up car insurance over and above damage waiver that increases the level of cover in case of claims against you; that is worth taking. Check with your travel insurance carrier - some (like mine) offer that for US rentals as part of general cover.

    I also live here and don%26#39;t own a car, and we rent occasionally.

    I highly recommend using this company, which I learned about RIGHT HERE on this forum:

    This is a UK discount car rental broker that sub-contracts with Alamo, National, etc.

    1. Their rates are very competitive (i.e. much cheaper)

    2. Their prices include all taxes!

    3. Their rates USUALLY INCLUDE:

    a. ALL extra insurance

    b. Second drivers

    c. A full tank of gas pre-paid (although NOT in California.)

    Please read the whole terms and conditions page after you reserve.

    P.S. Rental offices in New Mexico, Florida and California really gave us the hard sell once they realized we were using this cheapo broker. (';Oh, this limits you, you can%26#39;t upgrade, I can%26#39;t add a day, blah, blah, blah'; - all NOT TRUE) Jeez! Freakin%26#39; brain-washed, car culture people who know this is your only option. (Oops, did I say that?)

    Rental offices in NYC, on the other hand, didn%26#39;t bat an eyelash when we reserved this way. (The agents were too busy talking on their cell phones to care one way or another.)

    Actually, I had discovered a few years ago for family in the UK coming here. But in the end, they found an even better deal for what they call a people mover (minivan) on

    It also included all insurance. Insurance for you here can double the cost of the rental so do make sure what you need is included.

    You might like to tell us what you%26#39;re planning (itinerary) b/c it may be that you should not be renting when you first arrive, but maybe after you%26#39;ve visited NYC.

    As to the damage repairs, I have heard some of those stories but not in NYC and never with one of the ';majors.';

    I use Priceline for car rentals in Newark, so I%26#39;ve had cars from Budget, Hertz and Avis recently. I walk around the car and look for damage, take photos of any scratches or dents and then have the gate agent make a note on my contract.

    I prefer the onsite car companies--Hertz, Avis, Budget and I believe Dollar. Pile your luggage on a cart, take the monorail to the rental agency--there are elevators (lifts) where you need them, and always a friendly customer service agent to help you with directions.

    No worries, really!


    We rented from Avis at the Newark Airport and they were very professional and nice. Everything with very smoothly and they had a garage full of cars and vans to choose from.

    New York in the Fall

    I%26#39;ve been to New York in Spring, Summer and Winter and this year I want to visit in the Fall. Does anyone know roughly when the leaves in Central Park will look their best ? Or is it too hit and miss to say ?

    New York in the Fall

    It does vary year to year, but generally the leaves in Central Park turn mid October. It%26#39;s so beautiful in the fall.

    What%26#39;s your favorite season so far?

    New York in the Fall

    I think December 2005 has been my favourite so far because it snowed and Central Park looked wonderful. May last year was also great as the weather was perfect. I also visited in July 2005, but it was far to hot for me.

    Cheap flights are available from November 1st, maybe that could be a little late for the Fall colours.

    The NYC Parks Dept has a ';leaf cam'; in the fall, and reports on color change in the area.

    ';Leaf peeping'; is very popular in the Northeastern US, so there are plenty of websites devoted to autumnal travel for leaf color.

    Leaf color depends on amount of rain in the summer and low temps at night in early fall . Therefore, since we%26#39;ve been having a lot of rain already, it could be a good leaf color year!

    Try Googling ';leaf peeping central park new york city.';

    This is a fun article from last year:


    You could also enter ';leaf peeping'; in the search box for great previous posts.

    As already explained, the change in color of the trees vary form year to year but the ';usually'; peak color in Central Park is the end of October. If you come to NYC to early and the trees in CP have not changed, you can take a trip north and you will run into the color change.

  • pink hair
  • Best airline to fly economy from London to NY?

    I%26#39;m planning to book my flights for my November trip to NY this weekend. Which airline tends to be the best/comfiest when flying economy? We flew Delta last year and were pretty happy, but wondering if there%26#39;s a better one...

    American Airlines





    Or another?? Thanks!

    Best airline to fly economy from London to NY?

    Hi ollybee,

    Number 1: Virgin

    Number 2: BA

    I can%26#39;t speak for the American airlines but I know form experience that the two above are very good. I think you ahev to pay for drinks on some of the others.

    I%26#39;m flying to JFK next Friday with BA, I always try to get emergency exit setas (online check-in) and then you have plenty of space!

    Best airline to fly economy from London to NY?

    I personally had a bad experience with Virgin but have had nothing but good experiences with AA and find their leg room excellent, as were continentals. I have to say that the Virgin entertainment system was simply excellent however. So it depends what%26#39;s more important to you - to me leg room and seat pitch is the most important, therefore, I always try to fly AA and will do until I have a bad experience with them :)

    Interesting... Thanks folks! Most important to me is legroom/seat comfort as I have a bad back and get uncomfortable quite quickly. I%26#39;d always heard back things about AA, but might reconsider now!

    Any other opinions?

    Bad things about AA even!

    You should probably check this out:

    If you really have back problems, it might be worth considering premium economy seats and they are more confortable and have a bit more legroom.

    I also found bringing blow up cushions helps but again the only way to get a reasonable amount of legroom in economy is to choose an emergency exit or front row seat.

    BA have a sale on just now for flights to New York in November if that helps you decide.

    It%26#39;s difficult - I%26#39;ve never had a bad experience with them - I was delayed once but they sent me a $300 travel voucher without hesitation which was more than I was asking for! Also I have a friend who had to cancel her trip last minute and their customer service was excellent with her. But I have heard bad things too. I think it%26#39;s like everything tho everyone has different experiences. I wouldn%26#39;t have been so annoyed with Virgin had their customer services been better but I did find their leg room appauling - and I actually stood for most of the flight home with a couple of other taller folks.

    I%26#39;ve flown Continental twice too but I believe they%26#39;ve changed their planes to smaller ones since I last flew with them so my info might be a bit outdated.

    AA currently have the lowest fare for my dates, but the other airlines are all pretty close in price. Unless I hear some horror stories about AA%26#39;s food/entertainment/delays or something I may go with them....

    Try this:

    Thanks for the link - AA dont get great reviews, but then neither do Delta and we were happy with them... BA seem to get better reviews. AA is cheaper %26amp; has more leg room, so I%26#39;m still tempted...


    where is the best and cheapest place in NYC to buy souvenirs?

    Thanks for advice.


    What kind of souvenirs? A souvenir subway map? Taht%26#39;s free. Souvenir diamonds from Tiffany%26#39;s? That will cost you a bit more. Everybody likes different kinds of soubenirs, so you really do need to narrow it down.


    Tiffany%26#39;s? I wish.

    I meant knick knacks for people at work, family, friends, etc.

    mabye refridge magners, pens, that sort of thing. Every time we travel, I like to keep it on the low down but my husband tell everyone and their mother that we%26#39;re traveling so then I feel awful if I don%26#39;t bring them back some sort of cheapy knick knack.

    Thanks for you help.

    Try Mott Street in Chinatown, between Worth and Canal.

    in times square there are a lot of little shops that sell affordable goods... try to avoid the ones right next to the theaters, etc... bc they most likely will rip you off... but u most certainly can find really good deals at some of them!!

    u also can%26#39;t go wrong w. getting famous food goods (such as stuff from chelsea market, there is a fab little italian shop there if i%26#39;m not mistaken) or tea from the best tea shop i%26#39;ve ever bn to, teany in the lower east side(?). :D

    have fun!!!

    All around Times Square are shops that sell the ';I (heart) NY'; T-shirts, six for $10. They make nice little gifts for family and friends.

    Like people have said before me-pretty much on every street in Times Square there are many stores that sell souveniers.

    If you want something a bit more original, the gift shop at the UN has some neat stuff. I got a few magnets there. It%26#39;s fun to check out some of the kitchier shops in the Village. The NYC Public Library also has a nice gift shop and I found a cute little taxi stuffed bear at the Toys R Us in Times Square.

    Ohhhh.and how could I forget!!! Chocolate from Max Brenner%26#39;s in Union Square!

    There are lots of great threads about souvenirs. Put ';cheap souvenirs'; or something similar in the search box, and you %26#39;ll get posts like this one:鈥?/a> Best_Place_for_Inexpensive_Souvenirs-

    I agree - museums are great places to get souvenirs..

    The Transit Museum Annex, in Grand Central Terminal, has wonderful souvenirs.

    If you happen to be in Century 21 go to the housewares department on the lower level, they have great stuff and it is very inexpensive.

    Lunch in East 50's

    Natives..............need a rec for a good lunch spot, possibly near Rock Center. Any good pizza in that area?

    Also, any feedback on Montparnasse. I%26#39;m staying at the Pod and noticed this is next door. No recent reviews on Menu Pages.

    Lunch in East 50's

    On the lower level of Rockefeller Plaza, there%26#39;s the Rock Center Cafe and Sea Grill, both overlooking the skating rink, which itself becomes a cafe in warm weather.

    At street level there are two restaurants that overlook the plaza -- Brasserie Ruhlmann and Morrell%26#39;s Wine Bar and Restaurant. You can find reviews of all of these on Just be aware that the prices are usually outdated on those menus!

    In the Concourse level of Rock Center (enter from any of the buildings, or take one of the street level elevators down) there%26#39;s a Two Boots Pizza, which is pretty good.

    Lunch in East 50's

    I%26#39;ve eaten at Montparnasse. Not bad, 20 Zagat rating, which is pretty much the average. Two Boots is great pizza in Rock Center.

    There%26#39;s an Angelo%26#39;s pizza in the east 50%26#39;s on 2nd ave. that%26#39;s good.

    Quick Reply needed - WICKED seating help please

    I am buying tickets for Wicked!!!!!

    Are these reasonable seats?

    MMEZZ Row F 101-104?

    We only want this one specific night and can%26#39;t change, so these are the most ';centred'; seats - 4 rows from the back though.

    Quick Reply needed - WICKED seating help please

    Go for it - just getting tickets is a triumph in itself.

    They are not obstructed view, you should be OK.


    Quick Reply needed - WICKED seating help please


    I%26#39;m annoyed as I have been watching the site and didn%26#39;t realise the date I needed had been on sale.

    Oh least we can get to see it.

    Many thanks

    I just bought RMEZZ seats in the center for Wicked, can anyone tell me that I made a good choice - PLEASE!

    These were the best seats for under $200.

    Thank you!

    Look at this link for the seating chart ..鈥ershwin_theatre_4.gif

    The Gershwin is a very large theatre. Sounds like you right back up there, although it%26#39;s a big spectacle that you%26#39;re seeing so it%26#39;s not that bad.

    eron13- what row in the RMEZZ?

    Thank you! I looked at the seating chart, but I guess I am looking for someone to tell me that they have sat in comparable seats and the view was fine :)

    Thanks again!!!

  • oily skin
  • cabin to rent by the night by lake in aug.

    1 or 2 bdrm cabin or cottage near lake with lots to do for two 15yr.old boys....

    cabin to rent by the night by lake in aug.

    lodges at cresthaven are beautiful...not sure if they rent by the night. You may have a problem if you decide to not do a week. We loved it there...about $3000k+ for a week, but well worth it....

  • microsoft office
  • Run for Central Park Jul 21st

    My daughter wants to do some photography in the Park on 7/21. We were going to do that in the morning, followed by a visit to the baseball exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York, followed by a Yankees game that evening (our make-up game from a rain-out in April). I just saw that the Run for Central Park starts at 8:30 that morning. Does anyone know what time we can reasonably expect the Park to be back to normal?

    I was hoping to hit the park around 11, and she wants to photograph in the area between 71st and 79th, and then from 100th-106th. Or should we do the museum first, then the Park?



    Run for Central Park Jul 21st

    bumping my own post...anybody? And here I thought you%26#39;d like a question that hadn%26#39;t been asked 347 times in the last month!



    Run for Central Park Jul 21st

    Hmm...I have never been to Central Park myself, or heard of the Run there for that matter. I guess it all depends on what time the Run goes till- and by reading past posts it seems like Central Park is always pretty busy anyways.

    July Trip to NYC 2 Adults 1 Teen


    I%26#39;m planning a one wk trip to NYC in mid July. I%26#39;ll be staying in the Upper East Side. On this trip there will be 2 adults %26amp; 1 teen (17 yrs old).

    If you know of any DISCOUNT TICKETS (to attractions such as Top of the Rock, shows (such as musicals), shops (boutiques), etc), a good city tour to take, HANGOUTS tourist don%26#39;t know about that are a must, ANY ADVISE... I would love to hear from you! :D

    Thanks for your help!!

    July Trip to NYC 2 Adults 1 Teen

    You can check out the FAQ%26#39;s at the top of the forum, and there is a thread going on discounts...don%26#39;t know the exact link.

    July Trip to NYC 2 Adults 1 Teen

    thanks!! :D

    I would suggest you getting a new york pass.

    Does your teen have any special interests? I%26#39;m sure your trip will be happier if she/he is happy%26lt;g%26gt;

    she is REALLY into the arts... museums (we have bn to nyc before but didn%26#39;t have enough time to go to any... we were thinking about going to the MET... can you suggest any others?)... but back to what I was saying (she also loves) musical theater (dance)... culinary arts... and of course shopping!! lol :D

    now because she is very into dance... is there a dance studio that you think is a must to visit?? or is there a dance store that you could recommend to go to, to get clothing and shoes?

    You may want to check out L%26#39;Ecole, the Restaurant of The French Culinary Institute for lunch.......sounds interesting

    I took my teenager (17 female) on the S.. and the City tour llast week which was amazing but you have to be pretty open minded. You either are into it or not. We also went to the Hairspray musical - which was all dance and singing, very little dialogue. You can get brilliant discount tickets see info on the Hairspray topic I listed earlier today. We both loved it. It was really well worth it and the tickets all worked out ';Will call'; at the theatre within the hour before it started after buying on line in advance only a few days before. Great place called Gallaghers very close by if you like huge steak dinners served in style. Hope you get some Hairspray tickets.

    Grease also comes out this month-she might enjoy that!

    check out the NY Times Sunday Arts section when you arrive for dance performances. The Joyce Theater ( is a dance theater, and for the second half of July, Pilobolus will be there. They are incredible!! You may have seen them on the Academy Awards show this year.

    skatedancer has excellent suggestions, esp checking the NY Times and I would add The New Yorker. And I strongly second your checking out the Joyce ( BTW, there are many, many restaurants in the immediate vicinity of the Joyce, if you go, just assume that you%26#39;ll find a place to eat right around there, you won%26#39;t need a reservation. The Joyce is a wonderful venue, smallish with nicely raked seating and clean lines of site. You%26#39;ll all like it. I haven%26#39;t seen Pilobus but they get tremendous reviews.

    You know about the Met -- it is justifiably spectacular. You can spend ever day there for a couple of hours, and be advised that admission is by a suggested donation of $20. I mention this because I find it nice to go there for 1-2 hours a time, and at $20/person it%26#39;s prohibitive if you do it a few days in a row. I would also recomment the Guggenheim and also the Modern, but the Met is #1,

    Given her (and your, I presume) interests in musical theater and dance, I%26#39;d also suggest two special and very New York kinds of shows. If you%26#39;ll be here on the right date:

    1. The Town Hall is having a special series, Summer Broadway, on three Mondays in July -- I%26#39;ll bet your daughter and you will like all of them. I%26#39;d get tickets right away, I just got 4 for the July 30 show and we got good seats in the balconey but the orchestra has really filled up. The Town Hall is also a great venue and is quite historic, as well

    2. July 12-14 at the Duke Theater they%26#39;re having a series, Youth Tap/Youth Theater. It looks great, although my wife and I have hit our entertainment limit for July already, so we won%26#39;t be going%26lt;g%26gt;

    For all other shows, check for discount codes. They don%26#39;t sell anything, they just post all the discount codes. Many on this forum, including me, have used them.


    where are must for dancers to go to while in nyc???

    such as stores, studios, etc...



    You can take classes at Steps ( and Broadway Dance Center ( For dance shoes, go to the Capezio store (, and if you get a chance, go see ABT( or New York City Ballet ( They are amazing!


    I also found classes available to the public at the Alvin Ailey School:鈥?/a>

    Also, I%26#39;m not sure when you%26#39;re coming, but the Joyce Theater has some amazing shows coming up, including Savion Glover and Pilobolus.

    If you are coming this summer, check out the Lincoln Center website ( There is a nightly event called Midsummer Night Swing where you can dance in the plaza to a different band each evening. It%26#39;s great fun!

    You don%26#39;t have to pay to enter the main area - the music carries throughout the entire plaza (I can usually hear it from my apartment a few blocks away) and you will see plenty of people dancing throughout the plaza.

    they sell autographed toe shoes from principal dancers at Lincoln Center.

    Does a Capezio store interest you? I%26#39;m not sure if they%26#39;re just here, or all over, or even considered a must do for dancers.

    There%26#39;s also a store in my neighborhood - somethingTone on 7th between 23rd and 24th for dance shoes. on the 2nd floor - you can see it from the street. Famous place I pass all the time, but cant remember the name!

    you might want to search on the ny area at and see what comes up

    I STRONGLY recommend seeing ';A Chorus Line';. It is a fabulous show, all about dancers.

    One more thing - if you do see a B%26#39;way show with lots of dancing, I%26#39;d reco getting front center mezzanine seats. You%26#39;ll get a fantastic view of the choreography, yet you%26#39;ll still be close enough to hear the shoes squeak.

    *i%26#39;ve read all about those dance studios in dance mag. (such as dance spirit)... and they seem fab! is there a specific teacher anyone would recommend?

    *%26amp;%26amp; there r capezio stores where i live... but i doubt that it is anything like the one in nyc!! the shopping doesn%26#39;t get any better than nyc... lol

    *i%26#39;ve heard great reviews so far for acl... i love the story (because it is soooo relateable), but wasn%26#39;t a major fan of the movie... so i%26#39;ll def. look into getting tix for it. :) is there a website any of you know about to get discount tixs to b%26#39;way shows?? i know that there r a few of those 1/2 price txts places that have amazing deals... but u can%26#39;t get them till the day of which is a little bit of a bummer. random but i must say i used their service once and saw finale night of sweet charity %26amp;%26amp; between getting a great deal on the tix and seeing a superb show it was certainly a night to remember. ;)

    well thanks again all for all your help!!!

    check - they have deals all the time is another one for shows鈥?/a>

    here is a link to some other broadway show sites

    discount travel/hotels, etc.

    I have noticed that alot of posts discuss discounted sites such as priceline, orbitz, etc. I can%26#39;t figure out how these sites work because when I have several giving prices, etc. they usually all come up with the same rates. I guess that my not being ';travel savvy'; doesn%26#39;t help with getting bargains. And are these sites legitimate? Do the hotels accept reservations made through these sites? I would really appreciate any info. Thanks so much, Ancie

    discount travel/hotels, etc.

    Travel zoo is a site that gives you a list of the hotels that are Like having specials on certain dates. You can subscribe to their email list.

    Price line you can either take the price offered like , orbitz etc..or you can bid on a hotel that you kind of do not know what it is , until you give your credit card info and then they let you know if you won the price you offered for the room.

    Others on here know the tricks from other sites or is it hot wire that you do not know what the hotel is?? I know there is better bidding etc...

    Any way I am more of a safe person and like the travel zoo site. It is all good!

    discount travel/hotels, etc.

    I agree- travelzoo seems great, plus they have awesome deals!

    Thank you both for the info---I%26#39;ll check out travel zoo.


    what are some good museums to see while in nyc??? i was thinking the met is a must, but what else would you all recommend?



    Here is a link from the FAQ%26#39;s:鈥?/a>


    this might help too...

    Great links!

    Yes, The Met is 100% a must see. Take a highlights tour.

    Next? Well, it depends on what you like?

    Personally, I%26#39;d say go for the MOMA (museum of modern art.) Not just ';splotches on walls';. They have some of the best Monet, Picasso, Chuck Close, design and architectural models, etc, etc..But, it is pricey. Twenty smackeroos, hardly any discounts.

    Or try the Cooper-Hewitt, the Frick or the Morgan Library, because the buildings and the stories behind them are really cool, too.

    Of course, I highly reco The Panorama at The Queens Museum. Whoooo! Take the # 7 train out to Flushing-Meadow Park and enjoy a complete scale model of the entire freakin%26#39; city! One of my all-time fave things about NYC (although I detest the new ';light show'; and narration they have. Oy.)

  • oily skin
  • migrating existing portal
  • Best dinner cruise.

    Looking for recommendations for a dinner cruise with good-great food,entertainment and possibly music-dancing.

    We will be in NY between 14-19 Sept.

    Price is not a factor just a good time and good food,with a nice setting.

    All replies appreciated.

    Best dinner cruise.

    I recommend Bateaux New York as I think it meets your criteria (my husband and I went on this dinner cruise in April for his birthday).

    It is glass enclosed so the views are great inside the boat from the tables (you can go outside as well), they had a jazz band/singer who were pretty good, and you could dance if you wanted to. The food was tasty, not 5 star, but decent ( I personally find that on these things you paying more for the atmosphere/experience than the food). We found it to be an enjoyable evening.

    Best dinner cruise.

    Thanks for that, I will check them out.Reviews on the net are scarcer than a hen%26#39;s teeth.

    We had a lovely time on Bateaux New York. Be sure to arrange for a cab pick-up after the cruise. We forgot that part and had to call our hotel for help.

    Thanks very much for that tip mama .Bateaux looks good.

    I was thinking of springing for the premier service and the guaranteed window seat,are they worth the cost?Any and all help appreciated.

    I was on the Bateaux last Sun. with my son, and yes I was very impressed. It was really lovely, and yes arrange for pick-up as there are not many cabs. My son and I had to walk to 7th ave to get a cab and it was thru some very sketchy neighborhoods. It was the only time i felt uncomfortable in NYC, me in my heels, I could not run, if I had to....They adhere to the mandatory dress code and will refuse you if anyone is wearing jeans or athletic shoes. Take your camera as there are tons of photo ops and you go right up to the Statue of Liberty. Hav fun and the food is good too,,,,

    Thanks for that.We enjoy dressing up for a night out ';,you look good you feel good';,so should not be a problem.

    Will any cab company take a phone booking for later in the day,or only certain ones.

    rachael ray t.v. show tixs

    hey there!!

    so i%26#39;m a huge rachael ray fan... and want to see her show sooo badly!!! but i can%26#39;t seem to get any tickets. :( any ideas?? or know of a place where i could get tickets??

    thanks :)

    rachael ray t.v. show tixs

    I think you can do it this way.

    Phone: Call Rachael鈥檚 ticket office at 917-332-3200.

    Request up to four tickets.

    Leave your name, phone number and desired dates

    rachael ray t.v. show tixs

    here%26#39;s a way you can request online and also info on stand by

    I%26#39;m fairly certain that the RR show has been moved to Newark by poular demand.

    What does that mean LTT?

    I guess you do not care For Rachel Ray?

    I think at first she was a little annoying, but I grew to like her, and give her alot of credit. She started off doing quick meal displays in Pricechopper supermarkets. I think she should be real proud and as a culinary graduate myself and being a lady , my hat is off to her.

    hi all!!

    %26amp; thanks for all the info...

    i tried calling the ph # provided but it was just a general automatic recording that didn%26#39;t state anything about being affiliated w. the show or even give the option to leave a message. :(

    also the soonest i could get tix on her website is in oct. or nov i believe...

    do you know if the show is on hiatus??

    well thanks again!!

    Did she take her EVOO to Newark with her?

    Sorry the phone number did not work ! maybe The extra virgin olive oil got on the answering machine?

    Did you see if she had a website? I don%26#39;t know, just a thought! Good luck!

    yeah i did... i%26#39;m hoping that out of pure luck i%26#39;ll get tickets... that is if she is taping anything from the 21-25 of this month...

    *fingers crossed* lol


    Can we expect a white christmas this year?


    Too soon to tell. Only good old mother nature knows!


    The probability that snow will be on the ground at Christmas in NYC is a bit less than 20 percent.

    arthur ave / bronx

    Can anyone recommend a good Italian restaurant on Arthur Ave. My mother was born and raised in the Bronx (Villa Ave), and i would like to take her and my father to dinner on Arthur Ave. I grew up in Queens, and my parents havent been back there in 40 years. My mom is a great cook who learned from her Neopolitan mother, so she will be very critical of where ever we go. It has to be authentic, nothing fancy more of a mom and pop place where the food is home made. Great Gnocci would be a plus!! Are there any places like that left??


    arthur ave / bronx

    I thought Mario%26#39;s had good food. Others really like Dominick%26#39;s--I%26#39;ve yet to try it.

    arthur ave / bronx

    I think Dominicks will be good. I had a picky old school grandma and she liked it. But of course Many italians always think we make it better at home. LOL

    A recent blurb re: Arthur Ave on this nosh blog:

    He says his fave is Roberto%26#39;s.

    Would ma and pa like o'lunneys

    o%26#39;lunneys is about 20 steps from their hotel, and it seems to get good reviews... was wondering if this place would be good for an older couple, looksl ike its a pub, but dont want a place with loud music,etc

    Would ma and pa like o'lunneys

    I actually went to O%26#39;Lunneys for a late dinner when I went to NYC in March. On the night we were there, it was very calm, no large parties, no loud music, very recommendable for your parents, I%26#39;d say.

    Would ma and pa like o'lunneys

    How old ARE your parents and what do they like? Will you be with them?

    they are 65 ..they arent picky, just dont wanna have them eating in a place thats very loud, music playing is fine, just dont wanna have a very loud place lol..or do you mean what do they like in terms of food..well, they like everything lol, steak, pastas..

    no, i wont be with them.

    It%26#39;s fine, it%26#39;s a family restaurant, like a lot of the Irish places in midtown. I also like Rosie O%26#39;Grady%26#39;s, on W. 46th St.

    Our last visit to NYC with our friends in June, we stopped in O%26#39;Lunneys for cocktails and liked the look of the food so much stayed for a %26#39;bite%26#39; as we call it.

    Typical pub fare, burgers, fish/chips salads, pastas - all very well prepared with good portion sizes.

    And it was tasty.

    Music was not overbearing - however it can get a bit loud with everyone talking at once.

    Didn%26#39;t bother us one bit.

    BTW - 4 of our group are over 65, so age is not really a factor.


    Well I don%26#39;t consider 65 very old. You make them sound ancient. Can%26#39;t they do any research on their own? O%26#39;Lunney%26#39;s is fine but it ain%26#39;t the best NY has to offer. It%26#39;s pretty touristy and big. If they need a place near their hotel, it%26#39;s fine, but they should really venture out of the immediate Times Square area and get something they can%26#39;t get where they live.

    um, i%26#39;m not making them sound ancient, and not wanting a loud place is reasonable. And were surprising them for their anniversary so thats why *I%26#39;m* doing the research.. jeez.

    anyway o%26#39;lunneys sounds fine, and its very near their hotel, so thats a plus.

    thanks everyone.

  • transfer file
  • Thursday, April 26, 2012

    Passport to the falls

    Can any one tell me how to book the ';Passport to the Falls'; tickets online? Whenever I am trying to purchase, it is taking me to websites that do not even have any option to buy these tickets.

    I shall be visiting Niagara from the US side only. Can I buy these tickets at the falls (at the same price as online)?

    Please help.


    Passport to the falls

    Just buy it at the Niagara Falls State Park Visitors Center when you get here. $28/pp.

  • oily skin
  • another question about passport to the falls

    Could someone please tell me what attractions are included in the Passport To The Falls Pass? What does $28 cover? Do we get in free to these attractions or is it just for a discount? I think I read before that you do not have to see all the attractions in one day, but the trolley is only good for one day? Is there a shuttle bus or something, also? My mother recently had knee replacement surgery and cannot walk far distances.

    another question about passport to the falls

    Yes, it includes admissions to the listed attractions (The Maid of the Mist, Cave of the Winds, Discovery Center, Observation Tower ,

    Niagara Adventure Theater, Aquarium of Niagara ), plus discounts to some others. The trolley only goes around the State Park/Goat Island, it doesn%26#39;t go to all the attractions. You would have to walk to the Aquarium and Discovery Center.

    another question about passport to the falls

    There are several different trolleys that cover all the major attractions. There%26#39;s the one inside the park that%26#39;s included for one day with the passport. It%26#39;s only about a dollar or two to use it on additional days. There%26#39;s ';The Link';, which covers all of downtown (including the Aquarium, etc.) OUTSIDE the park, which is also only about a dollar a day. Finally, there%26#39;s the ';55T';, which connects the outlying tourist strip (Rt. 62, chain restaurants, mom %26amp; pop motels, and the Fashion Outlets mall) with downtown. Your hotel may have free passes for this one. All in all, you shouldn%26#39;t have any trouble getting around inexpensively.

    First time to Niagara


    I shall be visiting Niagara falls for a day in July (wednesday) with my family and need help to plan the trip.

    We are flying into Rochester from New York very late and so decided to stay at a hotel at the airport and then drive down to Niagara falls next morning in a rented car. My questions are,

    How much sightseeing do you think we can squeeze in a day if we start from ROC at 9:00 a.m.?

    I read about the ';passport to the falls';. Do they guarantee me a ride/tour of the attractions they include in their ticket the same day?

    We want to see the fireworks. Can we see it from US side? What time does it take place? How convinient and safe is it to drive back to Rochester after seeing the fireworks?

    I will greatly appreciate if any one of you could help me out on the above.



    First time to Niagara

    You will probably get to NF around 11am. The fireworks are at 10pm, so that gives you 11 hours, which should be plenty of time to do everything on the Passport as well as some exploring. As long as you can see the Falls, you can see the fireworks. The fireworks are 8 minutes, so if you leave right away, you should be back in Rochester soon after midnight. You just take the Robert Moses Parkway out to I290, then to I190 at Buffalo, and I90 back to Rochester.

    First time to Niagara

    Thanks for the help.

    By the way, how long does the the park (on the US side) remain open? Is there any place at the park where we can have our dinner and wait for the fire works to start?


    The Park doesn%26#39;t close, just the attractions have specific hours.

    The Top of the Falls Restaurant is right above the Horseshoe Falls.…

    You%26#39;ll probably want to reserve ahead at the Top of the Falls restaurant. A lot of people do what you%26#39;re planning, and they fill up quickly (especially if they have tour groups in). The view is great and the food is good, but the kitchen is notoriously slow. Allow plenty of time. Call now to book a table (716-278-0340).

    advice on seating - asap if poss!


    I can get the following tickets for the Lion king. (after searching endlessly for wicked...sigh!) Could someone advise me if they are good seats and which ones i should take? I have looked at the map (which in all honestly depending on the stage level etc means nothing to me! and also done a search on the forum but found alot of seating suggestions for the old theatre) but for a show like this i want to make sure we can see as much as possible. esp as it is my mums first broadway performance!

    thanks in advance!

    option 1 - orch row e seats 10-12 (orch right of centre stage)

    option 2 - orch row v seats 5-7 (left of centre stage)

    option 3 - orch row y seats 14-16

    advice on seating - asap if poss!

    By looking at the seating chart, I%26#39;d pick option 2..I think your others might be a little far to the right for best viewing of stage. Of course, I%26#39;m no expert having only been in the theater once. We were in row Z center section and even being that far back the viewing was great! I hope you like LK as much as my family did!

    Need help with finding Italian cookies in NYC

    I am in NYC, staying in Times Square and pregnant wife at home demands I bring home some Italian cookies on Sunday. We all know you cannot argue with that type of request :)... As it is pretty warm out, not to mention on the subway. Can anyone recommend a bakery where I can find some Italian pastries and cookies that would survive a trip back to Time Square and a plane ride back to TX?

    I have seen the recomendations of Ferrara%26#39;s and a few others, but my concern there is getting them back in the heat. Is this reasonable?

    I would really appreciate any help with this. Thanks.

    Need help with finding Italian cookies in NYC

    Wow, how sweet! Good for you!

    If you%26#39;re really concerned, and if you%26#39;re def going to buy pastries with cream or cheese fillings, then buy a cheapo cooler bag at a store like Jack%26#39;s 99 Cents or Kmart, etc.

    There are also plenty of types of cookies and pastries without cream that would def last in a regular box, no problem.

    I%26#39;d reco Rocco%26#39;s (Greenwich Village), DeRobertis, Venierio%26#39;s (both in East Village) which are all less touristy than Ferrara%26#39;s. (I usually reco Ferrara%26#39;s as a destination in Little Italy to eat while enjoying the atmo and people watch, not as a take out place.)

    Not sure if you%26#39;re wife would find this humorous, but hey, just a thought, and it is actually quite tasty, if a bit over the top, so to speak:

    The Cassatine Siciliano, available at DeRobertis%26#39;


    Need help with finding Italian cookies in NYC

    You can certainly find some things that will survive the trip -- just avoid things with mascarpone, or ';cannoli cream'; fillings. Instead, go for biscotti type things, or stuff like pignoli nut cookies. Another thing you could try (it is the surest way to my boss%26#39;s heart, and HE is Italian!) is ';rainbow cookies'; -- you know, the ones that look like a little cookie version of spumoni, with chocolate icing...

    Oh, and the hands down favorite at One Police Plaza seems to be Veniero%26#39;s. Don%26#39;%26#39;t ask me why, I%26#39;m not Italian, and though I have a huge sweet toothfor pastry, I have never been overly fond of Italian cookies and pastries...

    I appreciate all of the suggestions. I am using to figure out how to get there and all of these places look pretty easy to get to from Time Square. Now another question. What is a typical time for these places to open? We head to the airport at noon tomorrow and I would like to get out there and back in the morning. Thanks again for all of the suggestions.

    Ummm, Veniero%26#39;s SHIPS anywhere in the US. Rather than schlepping down there and back and carrying stuff on the plane which may or may not get there in one piece, why not phone them and ship it home? I think that way you can get whatever you want and not worry about whether it will survive (I think they pack it in ice etc. that you couldn%26#39;t do for carry on).

    They do open at 8 pm 7 days, but I wouldn%26#39;t carry that.

    If you HAVE to bring it yourself, go to Pozzo Pastry on 9th ave b/w 48-49 st. which is within a walk from TS.鈥ozzo_Specialties.html

    Do you know about Junior%26#39;s famous cheesecake which is at 45 st. just off Broadway? Not sure I%26#39;d carry that back to Texas though.

  • store properties
  • Airport transfer

    I have tried to reserve shuttles and car service from Newark airport to Manhattan online from UK but the reservations always fails due to phone contact number being rejected, too many digits being the cause. One company replied to my problem and suggested putting 10 x 1 in the space and the phone number in the special request space but even that was rejected.

    I cannot believe that it is not possible to book online from the UK. Any answers?

    Airport transfer


    i%26#39;ve booked with them on several occasions

    Airport transfer

    Thanks QPSPIDER,

    Followed your advice and reservation made with no problem, thanks again.

    Shared shuttle buses are generally a waste of time and money as you wait for the bus to fill up and then for everyone to be dropped off. Depending on where your hotel is located, one of the Express buses that goes to a main drop off point (like Port Authority or Penn station or Grand Central) is usually much faster and costs less. A car service is also a good option for door to door service.

    Whiz, I%26#39;m afraid I have to disagree on the shuttle buses - true they are certainly not the best value or the quickest (by far) option, but if you can%26#39;t afford / don%26#39;t want to spend $60+ on a taxi and you have too much luggage to be happy with hopping on and on trains/buses/subways, the shuttle buses at least provide you with a door-to-door service (most of the time). So I wouldn%26#39;t write them off completely - in certain circumstances, they are the most appropriate option.

    Sorry to disagree but with 2 people on a shuttle with tip its $40 .2 people in a taxi with tip $60.If the $20 is a problem then maybe people should re-consider NY as a vacation destination.It is an expensive city compared to other destinations.

    Well worth in my opinion but you have to spend a certain amount of money to enjoy it.

    Roll on Sept and Dec.


    I agree that if there are two or more people travelling together, the savings by using the shuttle buses quickly become negligible, particularly when taking into account the added speed and convenience of a cab - I was just saying that I thought that in specific circmstances, shuttle buses were still a reasonable option.

    However, I have to disagree with your comment - ';If the $20 is a problem then maybe people should re-consider NY as a vacation destination.';

    Perhaps it wasn%26#39;t your intention, but the way that statement came across implied that New York is a destination for only those who have a fair amount of cash to throw around.

    Sometimes people want to save a few dollars where they can so that they can spend them on other more fun/exciting things (btw, I%26#39;m making no assumptions about budgieScotland, who hasn%26#39;t even mentioned cost as a factor).

    I of course agree (as does my bank manager!) that New York is an expensive destination. However, there are many things that you can do in New York that cost little or nothing and are just, in my opinion, as enjoyable as the things that cost a bit more.

    The idea that people who might worry about spending an extra $20 on something either shouldn%26#39;t go to New York, or would miss out on fully enjoying it is totally contrary to my experience of the city.


    It is our first time visiting Lake George. We are 2 couples in our mid 20%26#39;s/ We are looking to stay on a nice hotel as close to the water (Beach, water activites.etc) as possible. We are traveling in Aug.

    Please, help?

    A heated pool would be nice but not necessary



    I love staying at the Balsam. They are on the lake side, but not on the lake. However, there are several beaches nearby. The pool is heated (I think by solar panels), and you can walk into the village. George and Suzanne are the owners, and they are really nice.


    We stay at Surfside on the Lake.

    It%26#39;s right in Lake George village-- a 5 minute walk into town. It%26#39;s kind of family oriented-- nice pool, lots of lounge chairs, nice beach front, playground... It%26#39;s fairly reasonable. You can pay for internet access.


  • oily skin
  • us open tennis

    Does anyone who has been to the US OPEN in Flushing have any suggestions or advice?

    us open tennis

    Hello-I went last year, and am going again this year. I just suggest you get there as soon as you possibly can, but make sure it%26#39;s not too early because otherwise they won%26#39;t let you in for the match (until later). Maybe you could call them to see when the soonest you can get in is-there are really long lines. Well I suppose the lines would be longer for the finals (thats what I went to last year), but it just all depends (for example the round, or times). Otherwise just have a good time!!!

    us open tennis

    years ago, stayed at sheraton manhattan I think it was. nearby subway to flushing, piece of cake. as far as the tournament, I guess you just have to monitor the draws, try to catch the players you want to see. we got in thursday or friday, i forget, but I remember, 12 midnight, arthur ashe stadium, cool clear night, full moon, nosebleed seats, watching michael chang bang it out, what a treat.

    I went many years ago, and if the ticket structure is still set up the same way, be sure to get the tickets for inside the stadium. With such tickets, you are allowed to wander around the outer courts as well but NOT vice versa. If the stadium is not full, they don%26#39;t really care where you sit and you can gradually make your way down from the nosebleed section, particularly late in the evening. I believe play begins at 11:00am, so you might want to get there by 10 or 10:30 and settle down. Food is of course, expensive and not good. Bring some water. to start the day.

    Look for the practice courts as well. You can get very close to the players like it%26#39;s your home court. We saw Agassi getting aced left and right by his hitting partner 20 ft from us, and some of the crowd were even making jokes with Andre that his hitting partner should be on the tour.

    Search on US Open for some decent threads on the subject. I%26#39;m planning my first trip this year. You will want to stay somewhere with access to the 7 train or Long Island Railroad if you plan to stay in Manhattan.

    The 7 train is the easiest way to get there (you can catch the subway at 42nd Streeth Port Authority). Bring an umbrella or raincoat because it often rains for short periods of time. Also, a hat and sunscreen is good to have since you%26#39;ll be sitting in the sun. If you%26#39;re watching a night match, bring a sweater because it gets chilly. Bring enough $$ for snacks. The prices at the concession stands are ridiculous but they won%26#39;t let you bring your own food or water anymore.

    It would help to know what kind of advice you%26#39;re looking for. ;) Do you already have a hotel booked? Do you have tickets?

    Thanks . I am seeking tidbits that the US OPEN website doesn%26#39;t elaborate on, such as what you can bring by way of snacks,water, etc. Thanks for the suggestions so far about the rain gear and sunscreen. I would not have thought of an umbrella till I got there., and probably getting rain on! Things like that. How is security, etc.. , Do people dress up or wear shorts, etc?

    They don%26#39;t like you to bring much of anything (that they sell) in but a plastic water bottle should be fine. They only allow ONE bag per person and NO knapsacks or backpacks. More info here鈥?/a>

    Most people dress casually although you%26#39;ll see some suits and dressier stuff if people are sitting in private booths or attending a party.

    During the tournament, the Long Island Rail Road does an express train from Penn Station that is much faster then the 7 train. I think they depart every 15 or 20 minutes.

    I like the earlier rounds when there%26#39;s matches going on constantly and you can move between the smaller courts and the stadia. As mentioned you can usually catch some of the big names practicing if they aren%26#39;t playing that day. There%26#39;s a fairly large variety of food to choose from by the various vendors.

    Security can take awhile to get through, so plan for 20-30 minutes of waiting in line to get in.

    It can get very hot in the sun, so I definitely suggest dressing comfortably and bringing a hat/sunglasses etc.

    If you want to skip security lines - don%26#39;t bring anything with you except a lot of money or credit cards for the $7 bottles of water!

    Don%26#39;t forget the sunscreen.

    Here are a whole bunch of previous posts that can answer most of your questions. Check out the subposts, too. Have fun!鈥?/a> Advice_1st_Timers_in_NYC_for_US_Open_Tennis-鈥?/a> Hotel_and_restaurant_suggestions_for_US_Open-鈥?/a> Help_US_Open_Tennis_Tourney_Yankees_Mets_Experts_Pls-鈥?/a> Safety_around_US_Open_venues_and_commute_back_to_Manhattan-鈥?/a> US_Open_Tickets_HELP-鈥?/a> New_York_City_New_York.html

    Photos from Open from a visitor.鈥?/a> Tonya_s_U_S_Open_Pics_09_01_06_09_10_06-

    Help!! Confused about lodging.

    I am planning to visit Lake George with my children (ages 11 %26amp; 15) this summer. I am so confused as to where to stay. My kids are very active so I would like to stay somewhere nearby activities and on the lake. Can anyone give me some suggestions?

    Help!! Confused about lodging.

    Hi. we are visiting lake george this July and was just as confused as you are. I looked in to they have cottages and motel rooms. I called to book a cottage, the lady seemed super nice and they are in the middle of it all. new heated pool, walking distance to a beach. prices where really reasonable. I have 2 girls

    (10 %26amp; 5) its our first time there and thats what I told the lady, she said we won%26#39;t be sorry we stayed with them. I looked up there reviews and they have great ones. I feel really comfortable in my decision. Hope you have a great time, if your going after July I can let you know how we made out. check their website out. Hope I helped.

    Help!! Confused about lodging.

    We have stayed at Marine Village Resort 4-5 times and love it. It is in the best location. You can walk to the Village and it has a wonderful lake front ';beach area'; rather than just a pier into the water. Look at their website it will give you rate info. and photos. You cant go wrong there....we love it there and wouldnt consider going anywhere else. Good luck....

    I have spent many summers on lake george, with young kids you%26#39;ll want to stay in a motor inn or place on Canada Street. That keeps you walking distance to the water, restaurants, etc. Try the Georgian or the Fort William Henry, they are the nicest and cleanest. The rest are motor-inn style (Balsam, Tall Pines, etc)... BTW, just outside of Lake George Villiage there are some nice outlet stores, a good restaurant called Log Jam (good for kids too) -

    I can%26#39;t believe I forgot to mention it but the nicest place to stay BY FAR on Lake George is the Sagamore. It isnt on Canada Street - but it is wonderful. They have a fantastic Sunday brunch, and Mr. Brown%26#39;s has great pub food. Even if you stop to walk the grounds its one of the most beautiful places on the Lake.

    Another good restaurant - Adirondack style, is the Algonquin.

    Try the Lodges at Cresthaven. Beautiful Condos not far from the village. Nice Beach with pool and playground. Rent weekly. On trolley route. Full kitchen. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

    Any suggestions for camping in the area?

    I%26#39;m almost afraid to ask, but what about the Econolodge on Canada? I have reservations for August but can change if it is a mistake. Thanks!

    check to see which side of the street the Econolodge is on. That is one BUSY street; you won%26#39;t want to cross it every time you hit the water.

    First time

    We are planning a vacation to lake george, week of July 9-13 we

    have girls 11-6. can anyone tell me some really cool things to do with them. also any good restaurants that are reasonably priced for a family of 4. thanks for your help

    First time

    As a kid, I liked going to Great Escape. Many motels/hotels have discounted tickets. As far as restaurants go, The Lone Bull is great for breakfast, it is about 3 miles up the lake from the village. Grandma%26#39;s Back Porch is about 1 mile up from the village with lake views. Breakfast and diner are excellent and the prices won%26#39;t break the bank. Dinner comes with a trip to the soup and salad bar, and they have homemade desserts. They used to hand out bead necklaces to the kids too.

    First time

    Thanks so much. we are staying aweek and I just want to try to see the most popular areas that the girls would enjoy. thanks for your suggestions they are greatly appreciate.

    Also, head towads Queensbury on Route 9 and drive up the top of Prospect Mountain. Definitly take a ride on the steamboats at the south ens of Lake George.

    Forgot something. Head up to North Creek for a 2- 3 hour train ride through the Adirondacks. Great trip fo kids. This is the website.

    Hello, my girls are 12 and 7 and we actually just got back from the Lake George area (we live less than two hours away).

    The previous suggestion of Six Flags Great Escape is good - be sure to print out tickets online at their website (or buy them through the hotel you%26#39;re staying at - that actually seems to be the best deal if you don%26#39;t already have a SF season pass) or get some kind of discount coupon (online is $5 off). One day is plenty there - not a lot of thrill rides but good for a family. The waterpark will be great for that time in July.

    My girls also love the Fun Spot (Rt 9 Queensbury - Great Escape is actually in Queensbury too). They have water slides outdoors (this will be the last year for them - being torn down to make room for yet another mini golf course in the Lake George area) as well as go-karts and roller skating, bouncy things, a very small arcade, and laser tag indoors. We went to Adventure Racing (similar idea) this past weekend for a Girl Scout event and it was not as good (go karts were sluggish, place was just more run down in general but the arcade was bigger, had bumper car type things, as well as a climbing wall and indoor go karts if you can actually get them to open them up for you - my daughter also didn%26#39;t like their laser tag. The guns were harder to use and some didn%26#39;t work entirely. It was bigger with two levels though). Be sure to hit the Fun Spot website (lakegeorgefun) for coupons as well.

    My girls also like to go to Gooney Golf (more aimed for kids) but there is no shortage of mini golf places to choose from. The drive-in theatre is also good for a family evening (starts when it gets dark). A boat ride on the Minnehaha is good too if that%26#39;s something different for your kids - mine aren%26#39;t really interested anymore.

    As for restaurants, they have all the usual chains of course. If you go on the route perpendicular to Rt 9 (at major intersection with Home Depot on one corner, the Olive Garden on another, etc) there is a little family restaurant called Jimmy%26#39;s Diner before you get to the Denny%26#39;s. They were very affordable and the food was good for the money - oh, that would be in Queensbury as well). We%26#39;ll be camping in Lake Luzerne (near Lake George) the weekend after next, so I%26#39;ll try to actually get a route # for you and see if I can think of anything else after that visit.

    It%26#39;s definitely a good town for families - I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll have a great time with no shortage of things to do. Feel free to ask any more specific questions as you get closer to your trip.

    You NEED to take one of the boat rides.. the Mini Ha Ha, the Ticonderoga, or one of the others!!

  • get rid or hyperhidrosis
  • Need Help Finding a Hotel for September Visit

    I could really use some help in finding a hotel near the theater district or Times Square for a five-day visit in September. We%26#39;ve stayed twice in the past at the Super 8 near Times Square. Unfortunately what was a $200 room two years ago is now going for over $400 a night. Since we%26#39;re retired and on a fixed income that%26#39;s way out of the ballpark for us. Is there anything available for about $200? The two most important priorities for us are #1 clean, clean, clean and #2 a reasonably sized room. The room wouldn%26#39;t have to be oversized -- just not small (hubby is tall %26amp; large). I would very much appreciate any suggestions. Thanks a lot for your help.

    Need Help Finding a Hotel for September Visit

    Without exact dates I can%26#39;t help, but I%26#39;ll say if is available it%26#39;s the answer to your prayers. Sept. has become very expensive. A regular apartment is also a possibility if you don%26#39;t mind giving up daily maid service. is one co. to try. Give them your dates and budget and see what they offer. Also check I also think you need to be mroe flexible on location. The Excelsior would be a great option for you but it%26#39;s on the upper west side.

    Need Help Finding a Hotel for September Visit

    I think another place to consider that has decent reviews, but I would suggest a suite is: The Riverside Tower Hotel.

    It is very reasonable. It is above midtown. It%26#39;s not plaza or anything, but this may suit you? It is near Linclon center.I am not sure if you will desire this location, but who knows. I other wise would try to bid on priceline or look into Travel zoo.

    Anyone wanting ';clean, clean, clean'; should NOT be considering the Riverside Tower. Have a look at the ';candid travelers photos';.

    The rooms are also the size of a minute.

    Try the Night hotel with quikbook.We got 3 nights at $219 and 2 at $279 in Sept(14-19).

    Looking for Dec 7-10 and the rates are crazy.Daughter got the Time for 219 a night for 5 nights the next week(16-20) and they want nearly $400 a night for our dates.

    I never been there. The reviews are good, their site does not look bad? Trying to help!

    They have a suite! what ever!

    PRICE - Our budget hotel rooms in New York are for people whose most important consideration

    is a low price. The rooms are small, but so are our prices, which are the lowest of decent hotel rooms

    in New York City. We have 120 rooms that are clean and comfortable. They have color TV, telephones,

    AC, executive-size refrigerators, private bathrooms, and the doubles %26amp; suites have microwaves

    Besides the person who took that dumb photo did not look like they were dealing with a full deck?

    Also check out

    You can get nice hotels at great discounts!

    Rent tickets

    Coming to NY early September. Want to buy 5 tickets for Rent. Apparently 2 of the main leads are back then? Whats the best (and cheapest if poss) way to buy the tickets. Is there a chance I can get a discount when I arrive? Or should I buy them before we come?

    Rent tickets

    Try for discounts - they have 40% off Rent tickets right now, but the code is only valid for performances up to 8 July. It%26#39;s likely that a new offer will be set up as soon as this one expires, so if you check the site again in a few days, hopefully you%26#39;ll find a code that%26#39;ll work for the dates you%26#39;ll be there.

    Rent tickets

    If you aren%26#39;t able to get a decent discount through Broadwaybox though, it may be worth trying the TKTS booths in Times Square or South Sea Seaport when you get there for same-day discount tickets (up to 50% discount). has codes for up to the end of Sept. $60-$70.

    Woolworth Building

    Is it possible to visit the lobby of the Woolworth Building on a Saturday? Thanks Tigerbarb

    Woolworth Building

    It%26#39;s never possible to visit the lobby! However... if you walk in to ask for directions, you%26#39;ll have a quick peek before they hustle you out.

    Woolworth Building

    You can go in and ask, in a lengthy and thickheaded way, if the NYPD Pension Section is located in the Woolworth Building (it is) and what floor it is on, and what elevator you need to use, etc. Use the time before they get sufficiently annoyed at you as Bettina suggests above.

    I think some Dept of Health%26#39;s programs are in there, too...


    passed by Saturday - there%26#39;s a huge sign outside before you get close to the revolving door ';Closed to Tourists'; or ';No Tourists Allowed'; - whatever it says it conveys how adamant they are!

    there used to be a Company Store there (discounted Estee Lauder, Clinique, etc) and I could talk my way in saying I was going to the store... But the last time I was there, they insisted on seeing the card I was supposed to have to gain entry (it expired years ago)

    What a shame that the current owners obviously have no sense of history. E.V. Lucas, a fellow countryman of mine, said in 1920, ';the Woolworth Building will be New York%26#39;s true fame. Whoever designed that graceful immensity (Cass Gilbert) not only gave commerce its most notable monument to date, but removed forever the slur upon skyscrapers. The Woolworth Building does not scrape the sky; it greets it.';

    I believe it was one of the first buildings in New York to have an observation deck and now they won%26#39;t even let you in the door!

    I used to travel to NY on business, and about 18 months ago I had an appt. w/a company in the Woolworth building. I didn%26#39;t have any special credentials, just walked in and had a chance to get a look at the ceiling, told the guard I was waiting for an associate (keep in mind I was dressed in business clothes with a briefcase, etc.) and waited in the lobby for my associate to arrive before we went to our appointment. Good luck!

    Looks like I%26#39;ll have to pack my business suit and a brief case then :-)

    On my last New Years visit there was no sign outside deterring visitors so we wandered in ( although of course we knew they%26#39;d kick us out) and had a peak at the fabulous ceiling. The security guard at the end of the hall did tell us that no visitors were allowed and we apologised and left---they can%26#39;t take the peak away though!

    This does bring up another point...

    NYC office building are full of amazing art. My lobby has a massive Dubuffet, and a Miro. When I cut through 666 Fifth, there is a museum collection in the lobby. If you%26#39;re in Trump tower, and want to get to Madison, walk through the lobby, past the entrance to the Nike store, and cut through the atrium - there%26#39;s usually something major there. Aside from being a showpiece of architecture, Lever House always has a major exhibit in the lobby (and there%26#39;s that disgusting pregnant sculpture that I have to shield my eyes from!

    There are a lot of lobbies you can go into to check out the art - the security is usually closer to the elevators.

    I think that Evening has a point here. What we need to do is cultivate workers in all the iconic NYC buildings to join the ranks of the TA faithful. That way we can visit the buildings quite legitamately for a meeting and if we happen to get taken to the meeting room via the extended lobby or executive obsrvation deck, I don%26#39;t think anyone would lose any sleep.

    I don%26#39;t suppose Philips have got any plans to relocate to 40 Wall Street by any chance? Ken - we can%26#39;t persuade you to reprise your job at the Chrysler I suppose and what ever happened to NYCchic, she used to work at 70 Pine Street.

  • oily skin