Friday, March 30, 2012

Somewhere to stay

I need some help! I%26#39;m staying in NY for 3 weeks from jUL 20TH TO aUG 10TH. I%26#39;m staying with a friend till the 3rd but I need somewhere to stay for the last week. Any suggestions? I only have a bout 700 dollars to spend on accomadation but want to be somewhere central and safe. Am I asking to much?

Somewhere to stay

Probably. If you%26#39;re a woman alone, you could try one of the women%26#39;s residences. Scroll down to the bottom of this page, next to last section.

If you don%26#39;t mind sharing a bathroom, you might find something at the Larchmont Hotel which is in Greenwich Village. Chelsea Lodge is another option with shared baths.

Somewhere to stay

I would also look into

I think $700 is a tight budget.

I would also look into hostels.

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