Friday, March 30, 2012

Anniversary of the 1977 Blackout.

There%26#39;s a great article and series of pictures of the NYC blackout of 1977 in the New York Times today.

I was 7 years old at the time and I remember sitting in the windowsill of our apartment on 96th street and Central Park West and seeing the whole east side plunged into darkness. It was terrifying and so beautiful at the same time. You could hear people in the streets and in the park, yelling, laughing. Lot%26#39;s of glass breaking (probably car windows). We could even see some of the fires in the distance in the Bronx.

It was a very different New York then...


Anniversary of the 1977 Blackout.

I remember it well, but it was a totally different experience on the upper east side. The ice cream store was giving away free scoops, and restaurants and bars stayed open, moving tables out onto the sidewalks. After a few drinks we broke into the public swimming pool in the 70s (77th St.?).

We didn%26#39;t hear about the looting until much later.

Anniversary of the 1977 Blackout.

I too remember it well. I was still living on Long Island (I was 16) but working in Far Rockaway - no work that week. We had lights and air conditioning - Long Island did not use ConEd, we were powered by LILCO...I remember watching the looting and burning on TV...

I also remember it was HOT AS H*LL

I remember it well just like the 1965 Blackout.

Yeah, it was INSANELY hot! We didn%26#39;t even have air conditioning then (I can%26#39;t believe I survived without it until High School!).

I remember wanting to stay up all night because it was such a special thing to see. It was amazing to me, at that age, to see the city so differently. I thought I knew it so well and it was unrecognizable!

We also lived on Central Park West (67 Street) but we only had a side view of the park. The problem was that we lived on the 13 floor--so there was a great deal of stair climbing.

We were on the 9th floor but I was in bed already so no stairs for me.

We actually lived on 93rd street, not 96th. I must%26#39;ve had a brain fart while I was writing.

The last blackout, I had to walk from TriBeCa to Astoria in 90+ degree heat. Bleh!

There should be another documentary called Brooklyn is Burning

I remember that very well . In Queens we all headed out to Jones beach because there was nothing else to do.I was almost the same age as you Squidalina.

I beleive this was the time around son of SAM. I recall being so scared as a young girl ladies were cutting their hair. my mom had long hair , but she refused to cut it. At the time they said he was after the long hair.

I think he was captured then? I forget?

  • How can I keep the blankets on my baby?
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